EU4Culture: Stronger Communities and Initiatives

Brief Description:  

Disproportionate development of regions remains a serious problem for the Republic of Armenia. According to the official statistics, Shirak, Kotayk and Gegharkunik regions have the highest poverty rates in the country. However, these regions also have significant potential in tourism, which is one of the fastest expanding segments of the economy and is prioritised by the Armenian Government as a key area for economic development. The EU4Culture: Stronger Communities and Initiatives project will contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth of these regions by helping selected clusters/communities identify and effectively utilise their material and non-material assets, including natural, cultural and human resources that promote cultural and tourism development and increase environmental awareness. To this end, partnerships between local authorities, CSOs, cultural and educational institutions and other stakeholders will be established and collaborative mechanisms explored.

With support from the European Union, the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) and its partners are implementing EU4Culture: Stronger Communities and Initiatives Project aimed at cultural and tourism promotion in Shirak, Kotayk and Gegharkunik regions of the Republic of Armenia.

Actions in Brief:

A total of 120 CSOs will be trained to enhance their capacity in developing and implementing cultural, environmental and tourism projects that emphasise benefits for the communities. Competitive grants will be available to the trained CSOs to implement 9 pilot projects and establish 10 social enterprises to promote local tourism development. Six hundred (600) school and university students will be better equipped to contribute actively, to conduct local research and facilitate participatory processes to create new cultural and tourism events and projects in their communities. Six museums will be trained and supported to prepare modern exhibitions and use modern communication tools and three of them will be selected to prepare multimedia exhibitions. 2000 Armenians and tourists will enjoy access to rural festivals, outdoor events and traveling exhibitions.

In each of the three regions a cluster of 5 villages/ communities will be selected through a consultative process. These clusters will be involved in the project through multi-stakeholder groups representing regional administrations, local authorities, CSOs and entrepreneurs.  They will actively participate in decision-making, organisation of events and project monitoring.

Duration: 01/02/2018 – 01/02/2021 (36 months)

Total  Project Budget: EUR 547,026.80

EU Contribution: EUR 464,972.78 (85%)

Location: Shirak, Kotayq and Gegharqunik regions of Armenia

Implementing Partners: DVV International, Media Initiatives Center, Armenian-CIVITAS, Association of Museum Workers and Friends

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