Page 4 - Tvisobrivi kvleva__GEORGIA - English
P. 4
Dear Readers,
DVV International and DIE Bonn started planning and
implementing a complex regional project in 2019 which
aimed to analyse the state-of-the-art of adult learning
and education (ALE), and the participation of adults in
Maja Avramovska education and training (formal, non-formal and informal
learning). The qualitative study was conducted in Armenia,
Regional Director Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and Kosovo, and the
Caucasus and adult education survey was implemented in Armenia,
Southeast Europe Georgia and Kosovo.
DVV International
The purpose of the complex project was to conduct
a comprehensive analysis of the ALE sector, and to
provide data that would be used when creating policy
and legislation in the ALE, vocational education and
training, employment, lifelong learning sectors, and in
other relevant areas.
The qualitative and the quantitative studies, as well
as the seven country reports, were conducted and
prepared from the second half of 2019 until June 2021.
The quantitative study was commenced first, and the
Dr. Elisabeth implementation of the qualitative studies started when
Reichart the initial results began to arrive.
Research Associate Monitoring progress on the basis of data-based surveys
DIE Bonn
plays an important role in European strategy development
on lifelong learning. The studies and AE surveys
presented constitute a substantial stock-taking effort for
the countries represented here (Armenia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Georgia, and Kosovo), aiming to provide a
comprehensive picture of adult learning, as well as of its
prerequisites and challenges.
Closely following the Adult Education Survey (AES) –
which is a well-established international survey on adult
learning –, national specificities and information needs
were identified in the coordination of the cooperation
Dr. Sarah Widany partners and through the involvement of national experts.
The standard questionnaire was thus adapted to national
Supported the project first as circumstances and supplemented with additional
Head of the System and Policies questions on learning attitudes and motivation, as well as
Department at DIE, and then as a on educational and support needs in the face of massive
substitute professor at the University changes on the labour market. Questions concerning
of Potsdam
access to education and (digital) learning during the
2 German Adult Education Association │ DVV International