Page 9 - Tvisobrivi kvleva__GEORGIA - English
P. 9

Study on Adult Learning and Education in Georgia

            Executive summary

            This study was commissioned  by DVV Internation-    education which considers all forms  of  formal adult
            al, the Institute for International  Cooperation  of the   learning and education (ALE) after the initial educa-

            Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVVI), and   tion cycle (such as compensatory education and voca-
            the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE). It pro-  tional education and training (VET)), and all intended
            vides a comprehensive  analysis  of the state of the   non-formal and informal forms of further and continu-

            adult education (AE) sector in Georgia, and identifies   ous training, as well as community, popular or liberal
            recent  developments and  challenges  in  this sector.   education, along with learning that aspires to promote
            The study is part of a series of four country studies   professional or personal development.
            in the South Eastern Europe  and Caucasus  region,
                                                                The study shows that Georgian legislation rarely
            where DVVI has been an active advocate for strong
                                                                uses the terms and definitions contained in the EU’s
            adult education systems since the early 2000s (since
                                                                lifelong  learning policies. The  terms  “adult  educa-
            2000 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, since 2002 in Geor-
                                                                tion”, “non-formal education” and “lifelong learning”
            gia and Armenia, and since 2005 in Kosovo). Informa-
                                                                are not defined in any of the current policy or legal
            tion on the various topics reflected in this study – ter-
                                                                documents. Furthermore, no terminological dis-
            minology, country profile, historical development, legal
                                                                tinction is made between non-formal and informal
            framework, financing, providers, programmes, partici-
                                                                learning. The major governmental frameworks with
            pation, professionalisation, international context – was
                                                                relevance for adult education are the Law of Geor-
            gathered online using desk-based research, which in
                                                                gia on General Education, the Law on Vocational
            turn was verified in a second step and then compared
                                                                Education, the Law on Education Quality Improve-
            with the practical knowledge  and on-site experience
                                                                ment,  the  Law  on  Higher  Education,  and  the  Law
            of six national experts through online interviews. The
                                                                on  Employment  Support. The  Unified  Strategy  for
            analyses reveal remarkable progress and dynamic de-
                                                                Education and Science for 2017-2021, and the Vo-
            velopments in the Georgian AE sector, but also iden-
                                                                cational Education and Training Development Strat-
            tify the gaps that should be addressed in the future.
                                                                egy for 2013-2020, address and determine the con-

            Against the background of EU and UNESCO defini-     cepts of adult education and lifelong learning more
            tions,  this  study  follows a  broad conception of  adult   clearly. All in all, adult education is mainly perceived

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