Through EU funding of a total of 60,000 Euros eight (8) regional Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) supported under the EU4Culture: Stronger Communities and Initiatives Project will explore natural, cultural and historic assets of their localities to develop new tourist routes, collect stories and legends, provide trainings to service providers, develop tourism promotion strategies, implement environmental awareness campaigns, and other related activities.
On October 10, 2019, a sub-grant signing ceremony was held in Tsakhkadzor, (Kotayq region) thus launching the implementation of eight pilot projects in selected clusters of Kotayk (4 projects), Gegharkunik (3 projects) and Shirak (1 project) regions of Armenia. Representatives of eight CSOs that had been awarded sub-grants signed contracts with DVV International, the lead implementing agency. The signing ceremony was preceded by official speeches and a short introduction of each project.
EU4Culture: Stronger Communities and Initiatives Project contributes to inclusive and sustainable growth of Shirak, Kotayq and Gegharkunik regions of Armenia through supporting CSOs / local stakeholders to identify and effectively utilise natural, cultural and human assets in selected clusters so as to promote tourism development and increase environmental awareness.
Supported by the European Union, the Project is implemented by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) and its partners.