Adult Education in Kosovo
DVV international in Kosova is engaged in upgrading and supporting of local adult education structures, as a contribution too social and economic development in Kosovo through supporting structures of providers of adult education by Exchange of experience and networking of adult education:
- Training and qualifying of experts of Adult and Continuing Education.
- Building of systems for the development of quality adult education.
- To enhance the educational structures involved in adult education.
- Further education for vocational and professional individuals and multipliers for adult education in Kosova.
- Increasing employability / vocational continuing adult education and training.
Supporting and developing new programs in the field of adult education, in the fields of:
- Enhancing employment, especially for new generations, minorities and social groups with special needs.
- Improve the quality and range of educational provision.
- Democracy building, active citizen participation.
Raising the importance of adult education within the education system of Kosovo through:
- Lobbying and cooperation in adult education with education authorities in the national and international level:
- Lobbying for legislation in adult education.
- Raise public awareness of the adult education sector.
- Promotion and organization of conferences, seminars and other activities.
- Promoting the participation at regional and international events.
- Publication and dissemination of adequate literature.
- Research in the sector of Adult Education.