Life Long Learning Week 

Training "Raising the knowledge of young people in Kosovo to be an active citizen, contributing to achieving social justice and building a cohesive society" 

 Fitfth module of training "Curriculum globALE" 

Life Long Learning Week 

Conference "Improvement of quality in the VET system and AE in Kosovo" 

Opening of Tailoring Course as part of the Regional Vocational Training Centre in Prizren

Conference – “Multicultural and intercultural education in Kosovo “ 

 Project "Ich-will-Deutsch-Lernen" ("I-want-to-learn-German")  

Adult Education in Kosovo 

DVV international in Kosova is engaged in upgrading and supporting of local adult education structures, as a contribution too social and economic development in Kosovo through supporting structures of providers of adult education by Exchange of experience and networking of adult education:

  • Training and qualifying of experts of Adult and Continuing Education.
  • Building of systems for the development of quality adult education.
  • To enhance the educational structures involved in adult education.
  • Further education for vocational and professional individuals and multipliers for adult education  in Kosova.
  • Increasing employability / vocational continuing adult education and training. 

Supporting and developing new programs in the field of adult education, in the fields of:

  • Enhancing employment, especially for new generations, minorities and social groups with special needs.
  • Improve the quality and range of educational provision.
  • Democracy building, active citizen participation.

Raising the importance of adult education within the education system of Kosovo through:

  • Lobbying and cooperation in adult education with education authorities in the national and international level: 
  • Lobbying for legislation in adult education.  
  • Raise public awareness of the adult education sector.
  • Promotion and organization of conferences, seminars and other activities.
  • Promoting the participation at regional and international events.
  • Publication and dissemination of adequate literature.
  • Research in the sector of Adult Education.
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