History Competitions 3.0
The History Competitions project is now for the third time reaching its culmination – after two successful implementations in Georgia, the deadline for competition entries on this year’s topic: 30 Years since the End of the Soviet Rule is set for May 31, 2022. After offering online training and consultation meetings to interested history tutors from different schools and regions of Georgia on various topics last year as well as providing educational materials to them, a group of dedicated and engaged tutors is currently working with their school students or small student groups on their chosen topics, which have to fit in the overall topic mentioned above. This year for the first time the project team decided to include students of elementary school age in the contest as well, so the overall topic was split into two specific subtopics – students of the age 12-14 received the subtopic – School and Life in the Late Soviet time and the Transitional Period in Georgia, and the age group 15-18 works on the subtopic – Memory of People and Communities in the Late Soviet time and the Transitional Period in Georgia.
The web portal of the project as well as the Facebook page and the Facebook group serve as information and educational tools with all the needed materials presented on them. Special criteria which will be used by the 5 member Jury in the selection process are also available for the participants. The project successfully uses TV appearances and the internet and social media to spread the information. After the Award Ceremony, the winners (tutors) from all five countries of the region (Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Moldova, and Georgia) will be gathered for a joint Tutors Camp in Georgia.
The Final History Camp for the winning students will take place in November in Armenia.