Young Bloggers from South Caucasus

The model of Adult Education Centers in Georgia is based on the experience and expertise of German VHS which were adapted to the Georgian context and local needs.

In order to improve the framework conditions for adult education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the key activity of DVV International at macro level in the country is lobbying for legislation in adult education. Through these activities, DVV International has created a network of contact persons for adult education named by their ministries for that position.

Among the focal points of the work of DVV International in Kosovo is the training of teachers in the methodology and didactics of adult education in order to contribute to quality improvement.

In 2021, a 12-week training of trainers course “Basics of Adult Learning and Education. Teaching Methodology” was piloted for experienced and aspiring trainers. The training was based on the Curriculum GlobALE methodology, which was recognized by UNESCO as a recommended standard for the pre-service and in-service training of adult educators in 2021.