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History competition project

The project “History competitions in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine” is a cooperation project of DVV International and the German Körber foundation, funded by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. As its title already reveals it is simultaneously implemented in four countries of the Eastern Partnership: in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

The project aims at fostering history competitions in these four countries as well as international cooperation on this issue.  

Georgian partner organizations for implementation

In the case of Georgia DVVI’s country office in Tbilisi is working together with its local partner organizations GAHE (Georgian Association of History Educators) and SovLab (Soviet Past Research Laboratory) to conduct the first history competition of this kind in Georgia.

“Being young in 20th century Georgia”

“Being young in 20th Century Georgia” is the topic of the kick-off edition in 2017/2018. It invites pupils (aged 15 to 18) from all over Georgia and from all kinds of schools to “dig where they stand” and start a little research in their immediate surroundings. They are encouraged to go and ask their grandparents, parents, neighbors or family friends how they spent their youth in Georgia in the last century. Photos, letters, articles, old tickets, etc. might serve as sources for the discovery of the past as well.

Festive Award Ceremony on June 22

Starting from December 2017 till 15 of April 2018 the pupils can hand in their entries in various forms: essays, posters, photo collections, short videos or animations are accepted.

The project implementation in Georgia will hit its peak with the festive award ceremony for the price winners taking place on 22 of June 2018 in Writer’s House Tbilisi.

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