Conducting Curriculum globALE trainings throughout Georgia

People working with adults continuously need to keep up with the pace, to increase their competencies, knowledge, skills, and qualifications, to meet the demands of the labor market with the appropriate training of personnel as well as the interests of the participant’s personal and professional development. Curriculum globALE is the one, common reference framework document used worldwide for the professionalization of adult educators. DVV International Country Office Georgia organized the implementation of the Curriculum globALE program in 2022, for the first time in Georgia. In the framework of the program trained master trainers conducted learning courses throughout Georgia. These include all 14 adult learning and education centers established by DVV International, (adult learning and Education centers are represented in 9 regions of the country) and those state vocational colleges that have passed the Curriculum globALE training program.

Training content covered the following topics:

  • Basic principles of adult education
  • Adult education: adult educator, adult
  • Formal, non-formal, informal education
  • Importance of teaching methods in adult education
  • Teaching methods in adult education
  • Development  of training curricula
  • Target groups and group dynamics


For adult educators, the adult learning program was innovative. There were familiar and new issues. Review/discussion of each activity promoted the exchange of knowledge between the participants and made the training more useful, informative and interesting.

All staff and trainers of adult learning and Education Centers, as well as professors and teachers of state vocational colleges and universities, have passed the program. In total 258 persons were trained. They will use the acquired knowledge and practical experience in their learning environment.

We share with you the impressions of some participants:

"I am leaving with a  full suitcase – full of tools, materials and a lot of positive emotions. I will repeat the activities with my participants."

  "I received very interesting information, I am a tailor who became a trainer and I constantly need personal growth to be able to effectively communicate and teach with the participants of my course. The training helped me to improve these skills.

“I constantly need to grow as a teacher, and this training was the best opportunity for that."

"I spent two very happy days, I have never attended such a training and I would like to repeat it"

"We didn't want the day to end the time passed by so fast without noticing. Very positive environment, with very good activities, animations, exercises, and information. You can endlessly listen and take an example of how to spend time on an activity/training/course without getting tired or bored and taking knowledge with you. Super"!!!

"Today I got acquainted with different approaches and methods as if I knew all this before. However, it is well sorted and now I care more about the mood of the people and effectively transfer knowledge with whom I work. thanks"

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