- Development of a methodology for financing short-term VET courses for adults
- Recommendation for financing formal and non-formal adult education in Georgia
- Analysis of the State of Affairs and Developing Recommendations for a model for financing beneficiaries in the process of validating non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL)
Assignment: International Expert to support the development of the above mentioned documents
Focus: The documents will be developed in close cooperation with a national expert, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and the Team of DVV International
Period: Between 10 June and 31 October, 2020 (selected number of working days)
- Introduction
DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association. DVV represents the interests of the approximately 900 adult education centres (Volkshochschulen) and their state associations, the largest adult education providers in Germany. As the leading professional organisation in the field of adult education and development cooperation, DVV International has committed itself to supporting lifelong learning (LLL) for more than 50 years. DVV International provides worldwide support for the establishment and development of sustainable structures for youth and adult education.
With support from the side of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), DVV International Georgia is requesting expertise to support the development of the above mentioned documents.
- Background
Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia developed in the last years many policies and regulations for financing the VET sector. The three documents developed in the frame of this assignment will contribute to further development of policy and regulation of the VET and Adult Education sector in Georgia.
The documents developed under this assignment shall have a vision for adult education and learning that recognizes its contribution to the economy, society and individuals and the need to cater for a wide range of different needs. Therefore the documents shall include the need for a learner-centered approach, empowering individuals to help them realize their aspirations and ambitions, which goes far beyond the rather utilitarian focus on compensatory second chance primary and secondary education for early school leavers and vocational skills provision to meet labour market needs.
- Goal and Objectives of the Assignment
The overall goal of this assignment is to support the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and DVV International in developing the
- Methodology and calculation mechanism for financing short-term VET courses for adults
- Recommendation for financing formal and non-formal adult education in Georgia
- Analysis of the State of Affairs and Developing Recommendations for a model for financing beneficiaries in the process of validating non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL)
More specific objectives are:
- Research and analysis, including the international and local context, policies and practices
- Drafting the methodology documents based on the research and provide recommendations for funding formal and non-formal adult education system in Georgia
- Developing funding mechanism for formal and non-formal adult education programs.
- Developing amendments regarding funding mechanism of formal adult education programs.
- Developing mechanism for financing beneficiaries in the process of validating non-formal and informal learning.
- Revising vision document, funding mechanism according to the comments and discussions with the Ministry and DVV International
- Methodology and Guiding Questions
The Review will employ a variety of methods of data collection and analysis, including but not limited to the following:
- Desk review of relevant literature will include academic, analytical, policy, and evaluation documents, reports and publications by Government, international agencies, and NGOs, which are available at national, regional and international levels.
- Field research will be limited due to the restrictions of the Coronavirus pandemic. However, if possible it could involve the collection and analysis of additional information and data from different stakeholders, including relevant government bodies, ministries, research institutes, colleges, adult education learning centres, and experts.
- The National and International Expert need to be in close communication with the Ministry and DVV International Team during the process of drafting the documents.
Guiding questions for the documents and recommendations are the following:
- Methodology for financing short-term VET courses for adults
- Presenting examples and experiences from other countries
- Review of relevant policies and regulations in Georgia on which the methodology is based
- Recommending methodology and approach, which can be used for funding short-term VET programs
- Identification of funding sources
- Recommendation for financing formal and non-formal adult education in Georgia
- Presentation of examples and experiences from other countries
- Identifying resources/institutions and mechanisms that are used to finance formal and non-formal adult education in Georgia
- Recommending measures, mechanisms and amounts to strengthen the future potential financing of adult education by the government and donors
- Identifying and analyzing incentives for private companies and non-state stakeholders to invest in adult education
- Analysis of the State of Affairs and Developing Recommendations for a model for financing beneficiaries in the process of validating non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL)
- Review of the relevant national legislation on VNFIL
- Examples and experiences from other countries
- Recommendations and presentation of a model for financing beneficiaries in the process of VNFIL
- Deliverables, Tasks and Timeline
The Documents have to be written in English, and will be translated by DVV International. The Documents should be prepared as single-spaced document, using Microsoft Word and tables/graphs with a maximum of 10 pages, excluding an executive summary, annexes and references.
All activities within the scope of this assignment – development of the documents, submission, consulting, and feedback - are carried out online. To collaborate and maintain constant communication with the national expert, the Ministry and the DVV International Georgia Team as well will be important.
The following dates are tentative, and subject to later concrete agreement in the process of preparing and signing the contract:
- Methodology for financing short-term VET courses for adults in formal education (10.06.20 – 05.07.20)
Fine-tuning and operationalization of the document design
Desk and field research
First draft of the document by 20 June
Based on feedback received from Ministry of Education and DVV International Team, finalize and submit the Document by 5th of July
The assignment is foreseen to include 4 working days for the International Expert
- Recommendation for financing formal adult education in Georgia (05.07.20 – 01.08.20)
- Fine-tuning and operationalization of the document design
- Desk and field research
- First draft of the document by 25 July
- Based on feedback received from Ministry of Education and DVV International Team, finalize and submit the Document by 1 August
The assignment is foreseen to include 8 working days for the International Expert
- Methodology for financing short-term VET courses for adults in non-formal education (01.08.20 – 20.08.20)
- Fine-tuning and operationalization of the document design
- Desk and field research
- First draft of the document by 25 July
- Based on feedback received from Ministry of Education and DVV International Team, finalize and submit the Document by 21 August
The assignment is foreseen to include 7 working days for the International Expert
- Recommendation for financing non-formal adult education in Georgia (21.08.20 – 20.09.20)
- Fine-tuning and operationalization of the document design
- Desk and field research
- First draft of the document by 25 July
- Based on feedback received from Ministry of Education and DVV International Team, finalize and submit the Document by 1 August
The assignment is foreseen to include 8 working days for the International Expert
- Analysis of the State of Affairs and Developing Recommendations for a model for financing beneficiaries in the process of validating non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL), (20.09.20.- 20.10.20)
- Fine-tuning and operationalization of the document design
- Desk and field research
- First draft of the document by 15 October
- Based on feedback received from Ministry of Education and DVV International Team, finalize and submit the Document by 20 October
The assignment is foreseen to include 7 working days for the International Expert
- Qualification Requirements and Application Procedure
The International Expert should have the following qualifications:
- Knowledge of, and proven work experience in the education sector
- Experience in conducting policy analysis and writing analytic reports
- Fluency in English language
- Knowledge of VET, Adult Education and Lifelong Learning nationally and internationally
- Research experience on VET, Adult Education and Lifelong Learning nationally and internationally
Deadline for applications is 5 June 2020.
Interested applicants send their proposal package including a motivation letter with a description of adequate experience, a technical proposal with additional ideas for the Documents, samples of previous work, a financial proposal and CV in electronic form in English language to:
Lali Santeladze, Country Director, DVV International
Maja Avramovska, Regional Director, DVV International