Adult Education Survey in Armenia, Georgia, and Kosovo

In the lobby and advocacy efforts in the field of adult education (AE) in Armenia, Georgia and Kosovo, usually, representatives of local and international CSOs have no other choice than just to use examples and problem analyses from other countries. The reason for this is the lack of national data on participation and non-participation of adults in the AE in the countries, no analysed data about adult education providers, and legislation of the sector. Due to this reason, it is hardly possible to develop policy proposals based on facts (evidence-based policy).

DVV International is an international branch of the German Adult Education Association (DVV). It works worldwide to promote and support adult learning as a key to poverty reduction. Building on DVV’s knowledge and experience as a national association of adult learning providers, DVV International seeks to develop and share best practices in the field of adult education.

The project approach of DVV International, targeting improved conditions in the policy, legislation, and financing (macro-level), as well as professionalism in practice and theory for adult education (Meso level), necessarily requires cooperation both with government institutions such as, for example, ministries as well as with universities, associations, civil society organisations, and other professional educational organisations. The project portfolio is supplemented with the support of our partners by the creation of exemplary, concrete learning opportunities, especially for disadvantaged population groups (micro-level). This makes DVV International the only worldwide professional organisation in the field of adult education and development.

In the Region of the Caucasus and South-East Europe, DVV International works in Armenia, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo, through its Regional Office in Tbilisi and Country Offices in Yerevan, Tbilisi, Sarajevo, and Pristina.


In the lobby and advocacy efforts in the field of adult education (AE) in Armenia, Georgia, and Kosovo, usually, representatives of local and international CSOs have no other choice than just to use examples and problem analyses from other countries. The reason for this is the lack of national data on participation and non-participation of adults in the AE in the countries, no analyzed data about adult education providers, and legislation of the sector. Due to this reason, it is hardly possible to develop policy proposals based on facts (evidence-based policy).

To meet this challenge and to contribute to the professionalization of the adult education sector and the policy dialogue in relation to AE in Armenia, Georgia, and Kosovo, DVV International has initiated an Adult Education Study. The idea is to conduct a survey and produce a quantitative report using the methodology of the European Adult Education Survey (AES). For expertise in international comparative research in general and the AES in particular, the DVV international cooperates with the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE). DIE supports the project in an advisory capacity.

The Adult Education Survey, on one hand, will be useful for the development of adult education policy and advocacy/ lobby measures and on other hand for the strategic planning of DVV International's goals and activities in the countries. A survey institute is contracted to conduct the Adult Education Survey.


  • Call for tenders for the study and assignment of a survey institute;
  • Modification of the AES standard questionnaire in collaboration with the survey institute;
  • Sample Design according to AES standards, modification of the questionnaire according to project requirements, pretesting the questionnaire;
  • Evaluation of the pilot phase, pretest report;
  • Workshop with DVV international and DIE on evaluation of the pilot phase and conception of the final reports;
  • If necessary, modification of the questionnaire;
  • Implementation of the countrywide survey/data collection;
  • Evaluation/production of the report;
  • Presentation of the results of the study (regional conference of DVV International, to national stakeholders, Ministries, various Adult education providers, CSOs, and other relevant stakeholders).

Terms of Reference Adult Education Survey in Armenia, Georgia, and Kosovo

Annex I_AES Questionnaire

Annex II_List of modifications and extensions of the questionnaire


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