DVV International in Kosovo operates in close cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MLSW), respectively with the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo (EARK), which acts as an independent body within the MLSW, and manages 8 Vocational Training Centers in Kosovo. These training centers offer free modular courses for registered unemployed people in Kosovo. Due to the lack of sufficient funds from the MLSW, and because of the aging of the equipment used in these training centers, the running of planned modular courses envisaged and the accreditation and validation of the programs of these courses by the National Qualifications Authority in Kosovo are often jeopardized.
At the request of the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo (EARK), DVV International has supplied two Vocational Training Centers in Prishtina and Peja with 16 Computers and 16 Monitors.
These devices will be used for at least the next 5 years for the proper conduct of modular courses in Information Technology, Office Jobs and Business Administration profiles. Annually, at least 400 attend the above-mentioned courses at these two vocational training centers.
This project has been implemented with a view to mitigating unemployment, and providing opportunities for starting small businesses and self-employment, which will specifically include:
· Raising awareness about business start-up among persons who will attend the training;
· Building their skills and competences on Information Technology, Office Work and Business Administration;
· Employment or self-employment of participants after attending trainings.