Workshop - Analysis of needs of vocational secondary schools and Competence Centers for Implementation of Level 5 Qualifications

On May 11, 2018, in cooperation with the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE), was held the first workshop with the directors and the Coordinators of the Vocational Secondary Schools and Competence Centers, to inform them about the research which will be conducted within their educational institutions. This research aims at analyzing the needs on the ground, on the basis of professions, in terms of the possibilities of implementing level 5 qualifications in the state education institutions in the Republic of Kosovo.

This workshop was attended by 27 persons, who were familiarized with the questionnaire to be distributed to all vocational schools and competence centers, and other procedures necessary for the progress of this research.

The conduct of this research will serve to collect data based on the professions offered in state vocational secondary schools and competence centers, regarding their opportunities and needs to be able to begin with the implementation of level 5 qualifications, based on the National Qualifications Framework of the Republic of Kosovo.

The research in question will serve to AVETAE and other relevant stakeholders as a guide for the development of the necessary curricula and education programs and the development of the necessary skills for level 5 qualifications, based on the specifics and needs of the labor market in the Republic of Kosovo. The research in question will be presented as a report, which will be submitted to all relevant actors dealing with vocational education and adult education in the Republic of Kosovo.

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