On February 11-12 DVV International Armenia launched Project Peace. The project is implemented in the framework of “Economic and Social Participation of Vulnerable Displaced and Local Population in the South Caucasus” (EPIC) implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
15 representatives of 6 CSOs involved in the Project implementation got together to learn about the Project, its goals and objectives, main activities, beneficiaries. Most importantly, they learnt about the legal, psychological and social aspects of working with vulnerable displaced and local population from well-known experts of the respective fields.
Beneficiary needs assessment was an important part of the capacity building intervention, which focused on identifying the beneficiary base, developing a feasible sample for assessment, conducting an interview based on the most relevant instrument, etc.
EPIC Armenia team attending the event presented its overall vision of the project, opportunities for close collaboration and support.
The training will be followed by a needs assessment in March with main project activities planned to start in April 2022.