On November 5, DVV International Armenia jointly with the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (MoECSC) organized a stakeholder discussion on the initial findings of the expert assessment of the RA 2013-2017 Strategy of Supplementary and Continuous Education and its Action Plan.
Representatives of government agencies, NGOs, academic as well as education experts attended the workshop.
The workshop started with DVV Armenia presenting the main findings of the quantitative and qualitative study on Adult Education in Armenia thus setting a context for the overall discussion.
During the second session, Serob Khacatryan and Lusine Poghosyan, experts involved in the assessment of the 2013-2017 Strategy shared the preliminary results of their assessment and presented an initial framework of actions with respect to ALE in Armenia.
Both sessions were followed by an active discussion providing useful insights and, in some cases, clarifications.
Based on the results of the workshop the assessment will be finalized and recommendations for further action made. The document will be presented to MoESCS for policy considerations and inclusion in strategies/poloces governing ALE.