Green Lane Armenian NGO wins the "EAEA Grundtvig Award 2023"

   The "EAEA Grundtvig Award 2023" ceremony was held within the framework of the annual conference of the European Association of Adult Education on June 6. The EAEA Grundtvig Award has been run by the EAEA since 2003 to recognize excellence in adult education. The award is given to the organization or project consortium that represents the best national project in the field of adult education. The award has different themes for each year. The theme for 2023 was "Adult Learning and the Green Transition".

   This year Women’s economic empowerment in Shirak and Gegharkunik Marzes  implemented by the Armenian Green Lane NGO is recognized the winning project of the national category. The women participating in the project come from disadvantaged backgrounds, and the project has given them an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in sustainable agriculture and improve their own economic situation, as well as serve as an example to the residents in their communities. The beneficiaries participated in a series of courses on Sustainable Agriculture, business planning, branding, and marketing courses, study visits and festivals.

   According to the jury, this is a well-established project with a good impact on women’s empowerment and training in rural environments .

   Green Lane has been collaborating with of DVV International Armenian Country office since 2019, it is also  a member of the ALE network. Green Lane Agricultural Assistance NGO has supported farmers in the transition to sustainable agriculture since 2004.

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