From April 24 to April 28, 2023, Skills Week was conducted in Georgia with the aim to highlight all the very best practices in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the country. The week was led by the Skills Agency Georgia, and included national conference sessions and other activities organized by donor organizations, projects, national, regional and local bodies and other VET stakeholders and partners.
The last day of the week was dedicated to Systematic initiatives of non-formal education in professional education. At the mentioned event, DVV International Georgia Country office presented its strategy and experience in developing system of non-formal adult education in the country.
Ms. Tamar Samkharadze, Deputy director of the Skills Agency Georgia, expressed a great gratitude towards DVV International for cooperation and support. She underlined the importance of programmes implemented by DVV International for adult population in Georgia especially in the municipalities where formal professional education offers are not yet presented. The role of DVV International in capacity building of adult education specialists was specially mentioned. "DVV strengthens us not only institutionally, but also with its expertise, including international expertise. DVV International is the leading organization in terms of adult education and non-formal education in our country, and we are very proud to cooperate with you”, said Ms. Tamar Samkharadze.