Curriculum globALE: Competency Framework for Adult Educators is a training programme aiming to improve the professionalism of adult educators. The curriculum comprises an Introduction, five core, and 1 to 3 elective modules. The introductory part presenting the participants and the programme, was held on March 14, 2022, via Zoom, led by Mrs. Maja Avramovska, DVV International's Regional Director for the Caucasus and Southeast Europe. In early April, a 4-day training for the first module, "The Basis of Adult Learning and Education" was held in Tbilisi led by Katarina Popovic, Belgrade University Professor, Secretary-General at the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE). The first module was presented with multifaceted and exciting topics such as: diversity and culture in Adult Education (AE); terminological and conceptual issues – education, learning, teaching; skills, competencies; formal, non-formal, in-formal education; basics, functions and benefit of AE; theories of AE - the role, importance and goals of adult education; AE system - its elements and mechanism; determinants of AE; key figures in AE; the main target groups of AE; content and spheres of AE; forms of AE and its implementation; key elements and actors of AE policy; AE planning, funding and regulation issues; key actors and trends in international policy development; international framework for AE; motivation in AE; participation and significant barriers to AE; the theory of Paulo Freire; issues of authority and ethics in AE; gender Issues in AE; basic principles of andragogy; the contradiction of andragogy and pedagogy; intersectoral issues; AE as an academic discipline; current concepts of AE; professionalisation in AE; ways of professional development.
The training programme involves 17 participants: directors of Adult Learning and Education (ALE) centers, AE coordinators of state vocational colleges, Georgian Adult Education Network (GAEN), and DVV International Georgia Country office staff. At the end of the training, certificates of participation in the first module were handed over to participants.