From 9-11 March 2023, at " Resort Ujëvara e Drinit " Dvv International in cooperation with relevant partners organized a three-day workshop titled - Drafting of the Statute and Membership Regulation for the Adult Learning and Education Network in Kosovo - ALE NK
The workshop was attended by 9 persons, representatives of public and non-public institutions, NGO-s, who are members and also co-founders of the Adult Learning and Education Network in Kosovo - ALE NK which are;
- Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI)
- Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education(AVETAE)
- Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo (EARK)
- Kosova Education Center – KEC
- Youth Center – Hareja
- Dvv International
Activity with the aim of Drafting the Statute and Membership Regulation started with the analysis of similar documents, which were previously used by various institutions in the country. Based on them the participants drafted the Regulation and Statute of ALE NK, which among others includes the basic informations of ALE NK such as:
Co-Founders, Purpose, Membership, (based on the internal regulation of ALE NK), Board Members and Board Meetings of ALE NK, Mandate, Dissolution, Statute Changes, Reporting Period, Financial Year and more.
Otherwise, based on internal regulation the participants also agreed for the Logo and Stamp with which ALE NK will be represented. This means the identity of the network is a combination of text and visual image that serves to show people the definition of ALE NK in the simpliest way. The logo will be used as the first representation of ALE NK.
Therefore, the purpose of the ALE NK is to ensure effective cooperation between the responsible Ministries and various public and non-public sectors in the field of ALE for the institutionalization and creation of an intersectoral role for adult education and lifelong learning in Kosovo. To fulfill its purpose ALE – NK will undertake activities such as; promotional campaigns, conferences, debate tables, publications, study visits, research, annual national reports, analyses, trainings and more.
Within the implementation of this project, ALE NK appeals to identify institutions who are ready to contribute to its development and expansion. Membership is open to Organizations and all public and non-public Institutions with a common interest for ALE NK.