Study visit to the German folk school and music school (vhs) Bingen am Rhein

From September 17 to 21, 2024, the DVV International office in Kosovo organized a study visit to the German Adult Education Center and the Music School (VHS) in Bingen am Rhein, Germany. Five participants took part in this visit, including Mr. Thomas Lichtenberg – Regional Director for the Caucasus and Southeastern Europe, representatives from the DVV International office in Kosovo, from the Youth and Adult Learning Education Center in Prizren (YALEC Prizren), and from the Municipality of Peja, where a new center for youth and adult education will soon be opened.

This visit is the result of the signing of a twinning agreement between the Youth and Adult Learning Education Center in Prizren (YALEC-Prizren), which operates under the NGO THY, and VHS Bingen, as well as the preparations for the opening of the second Center for Youth and Adult Education in Peja, in cooperation with DVV International, the Municipality of Peja, and the NGO Youth Action Council - Peja (KVRL Pejë).

During the stay, the delegation from Kosovo visited the facilities of the German Adult Education Center and the Music School in Bingen. They were warmly welcomed by officials from the institutions, including the General Director Mr. René Nohr, Ms. Nina Göttelmann (Director of the Music School), Ms. María José Lafuente (Director of the Digitalization Unit), and Mr. Yannik Eberhard (Director of the Examination Unit).

The study exchange provided a valuable opportunity to learn about the educational services these institutions offer, including a wide range of educational programs for adults, and digital education. Participants had the chance to take part in classes, learn about teaching methods and quality improvement, and discuss with representatives of these institutions about the organization of educational spaces. Additionally, they exchanged experiences with several teachers from these schools.

One of the important moments of the visit was the meeting with Mr. Thomas Feser, Mayor of Bingen am Rhein, where the diplomatic relations between Kosovo and Germany were emphasized. The representatives from Kosovo also visited the State Parliament, where they were welcomed by Mr. Hendrik Hering, President of the Parliament of Rheinland-Pfalz, with a special focus on cooperation in the fields of education and diplomacy.

The visit continued at the Association of Adult Education Centers of Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., where discussions with the association's Deputy Director, Mareike Schams, focused on the training and professional development of staff, emphasizing the importance of improving skills and capacities in adult education.

This study visit was beneficial for both the Youth and Adult Education Centers in Prizren and Peja, as it allowed for the exchange of best practices in the field of adult education. Participants had the opportunity to learn from the best practices of VHS Bingen, both in terms of teaching and managing. Both sides benefited from this exchange, strengthening relationships and paving the way for future collaborations in the field of education.

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