On April 27-28, 2018, in cooperation with the Kosovo National Qualifications Authority, a two-day workshop was organized, which aimed at developing the first draft of the Administrative Instruction for the Recognition of Prior Learning. This workshop was attended by 17 participants, representatives from the main state education institutions, NGOs, private education providers, Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, etc.
DVV International in Kosovo is continuously supporting the mission of the Kosovo National Qualifications Authority, which is supervising and developing the National Qualifications Framework in the context of lifelong learning, in partnership with the student/candidate, employer and education providers, and trainings at all levels and in accordance with the needs and requirements of society and economy in the Republic of Kosovo. The NQA's vision is to establish a reliable and transparent quality system of national qualifications in order to increase the opportunities for national and international mobility.
DVV International continues to pay attention to the recognition of vocational education and training in the Republic of Kosovo in the education system and the labor market.
The implementation of the assessment process for the recognition of individuals' prior learning will reinforce the engagement of the National Qualifications Authority to provide a robust professional system to boost employment in line with labor force skills, and to provide many more opportunities for lifelong learning.