DVV International Office in Kosovo, in cooperation with the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo (EARK), in its response to a major need and demand for training unemployed persons in the region of Mitrovica, has begun implementing a Project for "Capacity and competency building of unemployed persons for the vocation 'Electrical Installer' in the Vocational Training Center (VTC) - in Mitrovica.
In implementing this project, DVV International enabled the supply of necessary equipment for the training cabinet, and the monthly remuneration for the Trainers selected for the vocational training of Installer / Electrician, until the end of 2021. On the other hand, VTC - Mitrovica (namely EARK) provided the training facility, curricula and will evaluate and certify the training attendees, pursuant to the legal provisions on vocational training in Kosovo, (Programs to be offered to trainees will be recognized by the National Qualifications Authority in Kosovo).
The establishment of this vocational training in VTC Mitrovica will enable the vocational training of at least 100 people per year from those registered in the list of unemployed for the above mentioned vocation, in order to alleviate unemployment and provide opportunities for small business start-ups and self-employment.
Specifically, the project shall include:
-Raising awareness about business start ups for the people attending the training;
-Improvement of their skills, abilities and competencies in the field of Electrical Installation;
- Employment or self-employment of candidates upon completion of training.
- Possibility of cooperation within the group.
- Exchange of experiences and socialization of participants.