Opening the modular Hairdressing/Makeup courses in the newly-built vocational training centre in Podujevë/a

According to the Kosovo Agency of Statistics (KAS), which has presented the labour force survey, to which unemployment rate in Kosovo is 30.7% and the most emphasised unemployment is among women, 34.8% compared to men with 29.5% , DVV international has made it possible to open new modular Hairdressing/Makeup courses in the new training centre (which was built last year) in Podujevë/Podujevo. The project was implemented in cooperation with the Employment Agency of Kosovo (EARK), respectively with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MLSW), and aims to reduce the number of jobless women, especially in the underdeveloped regions of Kosovo.

The project is entitled "Developing the Skills and Competences of the Unemployed in Hairdressing/Makeup in the newly built training centre in Podujevë/Podujevo", which aims to provide vocational training to at least 80 people appearing in the list of jobseekers for the abovementioned profession annually, in order to reduce unemployment and provide opportunities for opening small businesses and self-employment. The project in question will specifically include:

§  Raising the awareness for opening businesses among the people that will participate in modular courses;

§  Improving abilities and skills and competence in hairdressing/makeup;

§  Employment or self-employment of applicants after the training.

In the absence of funds from the MLSW, DVV International has provided the necessary equipment for the Hairdressing/Makeup workshop in the newly-built training centre in Podujevë/Podujevo and has provided the monthly salary for a Hairdressing/Makeup trainer selected in cooperation with the EARK, who will provide training to the course attendants until the end of 2019.

On the other hand, the Vocational Training Centre in Podujevë/Podujevo, namely the EAR-MLSW has for the implementation of the project covered: the monthly running costs, the space in the centre where the courses will be provided, the list of the persons selected for the training and the training program (the Hairdressing/Makup training program will be the same as the ones used in other vocational training centres in Kosovo that are accredited by the National Qualification Authority in Kosovo).

The project is expected to continue for the next two years at the least, and the EARK, namely the MLSW, has pledged that all the costs will be covered by the MLSW from the beginning of 2020.

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