The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation and the DVV International in Kosovo (Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes) signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (2022-2024) with the aim to develop further the Adults Education and Training (AET) and the Lifelong Learning components in the Republic of Kosovo.Minister Nagavci thanked the representative of the DVV International in Kosovo for the expressed willingness to support quality assurance in the Adult Education and Training sector.
Nagavci also expressed her readiness to implement the points of the Agreement and strengthen
the partnership with the DVV International in Kosovo. She said she expects concrete results beyond the signing of the Agreement.
Ramadan Alija, Executive Director of DVV International in Kosovo, stressed the importance of developing this segment of Vocational Education and Training and appreciated MESTI’s willingness to cooperate.
Otherwise, the Agreement represents the mutual commitment to cooperate and build a partnership between the MESTI and the DVV International in implementing the Professionalization of Adult Education and Training (AET) Sector Project in Kosovo by developing new educational policies on AET, strengthening partner networks, assuring quality in AET and opening at least two new AET centres based on the German folks schools (VHS) model, adapting them to the Kosovo context.