The new ALE network in Kosovo

A two-day workshop was held on October 27 and 28 at the "Sky2Hotel" hotel in Tirana, with the attendance of the representatives of Ministries, Training Centers, Centers of Competence, NGOs, Colleges and other ALE providers in Kosovo.

After the development process of the concept for new ALE – network in Kosovo by two engaged experts, in cooperation with DVV International in Kosovo, the representatives of various state and non – state organizations, NGOs and other ALE providers in Kosovo, have signed the establishing - act of the new network for ALE in Kosovo called ALE -NK (Adult Learning and Education Network in Kosovo). The new ALE NK in Kosovo, will ensure effective and mutual cooperation between governmental, non-governmental and other ALE providers in Kosovo.

The purpose of the establishment of the ALE network in Kosovo is to promote effective cooperation between ministries (MESTI, MFET, and MCYS) as well as public and non-public providers for ALE issues and to institutionalize the cross-sectoral role of ALE in the field of Life-Long Learning (LLL) in Kosovo.

The ALE network will activate and recognize the work of ALE providers in Kosovo and providers of non-formal and informal activities through awareness campaigns, promotion of cooperation between the main stakeholders and other ALE providers in Kosovo and will establish regular and systematic attendance monitoring and motivation in all forms of ALE, especially in non-formal education.

This network will also contribute to developing ALE capacities and raising awareness of ALE in Kosovo.

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